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本季延续《神探夏洛克第二季》的剧情,在莱辛巴赫坠楼案两年后,华生(马丁·弗瑞曼饰)努力让生活重新步上正轨,集美丽与智慧于一身的玛丽·摩斯坦(阿曼达·艾宾顿饰)将与华生一同步入和谐浪漫的人生新阶段。然而此刻,夏洛克(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰)却上演复活戏码,虽然这是华生祈祷已久的愿望,但当愿望实现时,他还是无法坦然面对一切。这一次,夏洛克和华生需要解决伦敦街道下神秘的阴谋、婚礼上突如而来的意外,及面对恶名昭彰且阴险的勒索之王——查尔斯·奥古斯都·马格努森(即原著米尔沃顿,拉斯·米科尔森饰)。夏洛克回来了,但一切还和以前一样吗 ?
Season seven of British spy thriller "MI-5" opens with Adam Carter (Rupert Penry-Jones) valiantly battling to move a car bomb away from a densely packed memorial service. Meanwhile Harry secures the release of Lucas North (Richard Armitage), a MI-5 officer imprisoned in Russia for eight years. It's not long, however, before Ros begins to suspect Lucas' loyalties. The rest of the season deals with a top secret Cold War-era operation named Sugarhorse.
James Purefoy stars as William Travers, a criminal barrister who is recovering from a traumatic series of events that have shaken his belief in the legal system. On the surface, Travers is a picture of success; an accomplished criminal barrister happily living with his wife (played by Dervla Kirwan) in rural Suffolk. However, Travers is still recovering from events in his past when he is drawn into a case that involves his old friend Martin Newall (Nathaniel Parker), who faces conspiracy and murder charges while at the same time being investigated by a vicious and vengeful detective DS Mark Wenborn (Creed Miles). The five-part series from acclaimed writer Anthony Horowitz (Collision, Foyle's War) is a story of friendship, conspiracy, betrayal and murder as well as a critical look at the way the legal system operates.
BBC正式宣布续订《亚特兰蒂斯》(Atlantis)第二季, 与此同时,还确认续订《浴血黑帮》(Peaky Blinders)第二季,订数为6集。
《卡里斯特号》:罗伯特(杰西·普莱蒙 Jesse Plemons 饰)是一家游戏公司的技术总监,却因为内向怯懦的性格而无法得到同事和下属们的尊重。然而这一切都无关紧要,因为在家里,有一个甜美而又邪恶的秘密等待着他去享用。 《大天使》:马莉(罗丝玛丽·德薇特 Rosemarie DeWitt 饰)为了保护自己的女儿不受伤害而加入了“大天使”计划。 《鳄鱼》:面对曾经犯下的错误,是勇敢的面对,还是不惜一切手段消灭所有会导致秘密曝光的可能性? 《DJ下台》:当人们的相爱分离全部交由精密的科学计算和管理软件来定夺,我们会迎来一个更好的世界吗? 《铁头》:在一个人类快要被机器狗赶尽杀绝的世界里,为了得到唯一的希望,你愿意付出什么? 《黑色博物馆》:妮希(莱蒂希娅·赖特 Letitia Wright 饰)步入了一间神秘而又古怪的博物馆之中,在那里,一件曾经人人趋之若鹜的稀世藏品等待着她。
Syfy电视台发布公开声明称将与《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》、《超人:钢铁之躯》编剧大卫·S·高耶联手打造一部背景设定在超人故乡氪星,聚焦超人祖父故事的剧集。此外,剧集还曝光了一张《氪星》的官方Logo海报。 从故事设定来看,《氪星》与讲述吉姆·戈登起源故事的《哥谭》有异曲同工之妙。据Syfy透露,《氪星》的故事将早于超人被送往地球以前的很多年,当时的氪星混乱不堪。故事讲述了超人的祖父如何将希望与和平带往氪星,并将其打造成人们心目中英雄的诞生地。 据了解,剧集目前仍在筹备之中,演员与播出时间等都尚无消息,大卫·S·高耶将与《童话镇》编剧Ian B. Goldberg一同撰写剧本。